(+48) 516-927-820 aleksandra@jopyk.com
Empatia a Inteligencja Emocjonalna

Empatia a Inteligencja Emocjonalna

W trakcie sesji mocnych stron pytam klienta „co Cię w twoim raporcie zaskoczyło?” I często bohaterem odpowiedzi na to pytanie jest talent empatia, szczególnie jeżeli pojawia się gdzieś „na dole” zestawienia. Słyszę wtedy „wiesz to nie jest tak, że ja zupełnie nie mam...
Strategic Strengths in #RemoteWork

Strategic Strengths in #RemoteWork

It will be the last article about strengths in the time of plague and forced remote work. This time we will focus on strategic strengths. I’d like to say that I saved this group until the very end because of some kind of long-run plans or strategies… But the truth is...
Relationship Building Strengths in #RemoteWork

Relationship Building Strengths in #RemoteWork

Who would have thought that writing an article on relationship building strengths will be so hard for me? Since I have four of those in my top ten, I was convinced the task would be reasonably easy… As it turns out, – relationship building is not that obvious and...
Executing strengths in #RemoteWork

Executing strengths in #RemoteWork

As not only a certified coach of Gallup Institute’s Clifton strengths method but also a huge fan of such an approach to human development today, I would like to present to you a short article focused on executing strengths. This article opens up a whole series about...